Our main mission is to inspire and show our younger generations the beauty of our Australian animals and that anyone can contribute to their conservation.

Our kinder experience not only helps our early years to fall in love with animals, but also how to safely and properly interact with animals.

Children will be able to get up close and personal with with various trained and friendly animals that include possums, lizards, snakes, frogs and birds.


Things You Should Know:

When do we arrive at your chosen venue?

Wildlife Sidekicks animal demonstrators arrive at least 20 minutes before showtime! We make sure to contact you 1 week before your chosen day to re-confirm your booking and time-slot. On the day of the special event our demonstrators will also give you a call with an estimated time of arrival.

Are our wildlife encounters safe for both the children and the animals?

Animal ambassadors at Wildlife Sidekicks are hand raised and trained for encounters with people. We make sure every effort is made to keep our audience and our animals as safe as possible! It is always good to remember that our animals are not taken from the wild and have been raised and trained in captivity just like other pets.

What is the motive behind Wildlife Sidekicks interactive encounters?

Our goal is to deliver a one of a kind educational experience that connects our younger generations with our natural world! We hope to encourage our planet's future caretakers to protect our wild places and the animals that maintain and live in them!


Contact us now for any further questions and to make your booking!